Half way through the first month of the New Year

How are you doing?

Are you taking action towards your goals and dreams yet?

I’m not beating you up if you haven’t… so don’t take it the wrong way. I’m writing this newsletter to actually share a few things I’ve learned that have helped me get moving towards what I want in life. There’s been too many years where I would write down what I want and then return back to doing what I’ve always done. Not moving me towards my goals.

  1. Write down (sometimes again) what you want. Even if you wrote out the same things last year, write them again. This helps to remind you of what you want all over again and that’s not a bad thing.

  2. Form the habit of reading those goals daily. You could write them down somewhere where you can see them so that you have to look at them each day, even if they are on sticky notes attached to your computer monitor. If you have a journal or planner that you have written them in then look at your journal each morning and evening reading them to yourself.

  3. Change your environment. Start with your physical environment. In the next 60 seconds remove something from your desk, nightstand, vehicle, kitchen counter, bathroom or anywhere! Put it away or throw it away or organize it. Getting what you want is going to take action and this first action is so easy and makes such a big difference!

  4. Fix your irritations. You know that irritating door in your home that is sticking, all the clutter on your desk, maybe that drawer in the kitchen that’s overflowing with junk… you know, the “junk drawer.” These little things that irritate you are stealing your energy that you could be using to move towards your goals.

  5. Increase your energy. Get to bed earlier, drink more water, get more exercise and try adding in some healthier food choices throughout the day. It takes energy to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself. You may need to get up earlier so that you have time in the morning to work on your goals which may help you go to bed earlier. I was never a morning person but became one with practice and it was a catalyst to creating my days with intention.

  6. Create a vision board. A vision board consists of pictures of the things you want in life including experiences, material possessions and achievements you’d like to accomplish. You can collect pictures from the internet and build it using canva.com. Be sure to place your vision board wherever you spend a great deal of time. Place it where you will see it throughout your day multiple times per day.

  7. Tell your closest supporter what you want to accomplish and have them help hold you accountable. We all need accountability and having someone help remind you of what you want, especially when we are not feeling like we are progressing fast enough will help.

  8. Write your goals down on index cards. Go through each card and read them to yourself daily. This helps to continue to reinforce what it is that you want in your mind. Opportunities that were always present become visible to you when you are intentional with reviewing what you want.

  9. Recommit to your goals every time you read them. Know that you deserve to achieve these goals in life and that you will continue to work towards them, even if you got sidetracked for a bit.

  10. Take action. Don’t wait until you have it all figured out, just take action now. Taking action has a weird way of creating exactly what you need to take the next step. Whether it’s a partnership, an insight, finding the skill gap or finding that person who has the answers.

These are just a few to get you started again towards achieving your goals this year. Remember I want to see you win in life and I know that you have everything you already need to be successful. Work on these 10 steps in order to gain traction and take yet another step in the right direction towards the attainment of your goals, dreams and desires. The only person stopping you is you from making things happen. Get started today to build that momentum again so that 2024 blows your mind at the end of the year.