The power of your darkside

Embracing your darkside to energize your potential

David Goggins has made it socially acceptable to embrace your darkside to push your body and mind beyond what you may think it’s capable of.

I think that the ultra marathon people are CRAZY! I can’t even imagine running 50 or 100 mile races. Seems insane! Your body giving you signs such as releasing your bowels without any control doesn’t seem like a good time to me. But think about that for a minute…

Even though the body is saying “please no more” the one who controls their mind can continue to push past discomfort or unease. Or maybe it’s a state of mind that steps outside the pain? As a mere mortal, I may never know. Here’s what I do know. I have pushed my body beyond my comfort zone many times in life and continue to do so. It sucks EVERY TIME. It never gets easier.

Not to the point of shitting my workout clothes but definitely past the point of comfort. I did the same in business with my heating and air conditioning company and continue to do the same in my coaching and consulting company. With both companies I would find myself in a comfort zone with no REAL progress happening. THEN…

Something wakes me up from my comfort which drives a desire to push the boundaries again. Every time this happens that burning desire is lit and won’t stop until I reach that next level. At this moment in time the fire has been lit. My business partner and I are restructuring our coaching and consulting business to bring in a lot more people. It’s exciting and scary at the same time.

And just like the last time this surge happened, my skills take a quantum leap because I become completely obsessed with learning. My mindset expands to the next level and when your mind expands there is no going back to its original form or way of thinking. My confidence soars and as a result my production increases. The production begins to produce results which continues to reinforce my belief.

New mindset, new skill set and an expanded belief of what’s possible shifts me back into that old familiar pattern of waking up with fire in my belly. I can’t wait to get to my computer each morning to build out my training program, write my newsletter, visualize my success, think through my next content piece, read my goals and move forward towards getting what I want.

Back to the darkness. Whether you feel alive again because something woke you up or you feel stuck in your own poison pit of hell. Both can be empowering and push us to move again. One of my biggest fears is not having enough money to sustain my lifestyle and I don’t live extravagantly. I’m not always running towards some big bright future. Sometimes I’m running away from poverty, not having enough, not living enough, not feeling fulfilled.

I’ve been there on multiple occasions and I want to get as far away from that place as I possibly can. I use my fear and anger to push myself and do what I don’t like to do or want to do in order to get shit done so that I can get to my next level.

Whatever your next level is I want you to understand that the only real thing that will move you, if you feel stuck, is to become inspired to move you out of your current comfort level or to become angry about where you are so that it can move you out of your current comfort level. The in-between is called comfort and that comfort is your enemy.

It’s the place where people go to die. It’s the place where people just accept being out of shape, they accept a shitty relationship, they accept a poorly performing business, they accept and resign to things just being the way they are. They start listening to those who are around them. They listen to the media. They start to believe that there is no hope. As a result they become cynical and a little rain cloud follows them throughout their life so that when an obstacle is thrown at them they can say “See, I knew it.”

Without a vision the people perish. It all starts with a vision of what could be. Once that vision is visited multiple times a spark happens and that spark ignites the fire. That fire, if fed, continues to burn hotter and hotter. That fire is what will push you past everything you thought you were and take you to everything that you could be.

I hope you are in a place of inspiration instead of being in a poison pit of hell. Either way, MOVE. You aren’t finished and you never will be. There is no retirement. There is only the next version of yourself who has been put on this planet to do something in life. Get uncomfortable again because that’s called living. You got this. I’ll happily be rooting for you.