Strengthening Your Most Important Relationship

Why your relationships with your spouse determines your level of success

Strengthening Your Most Important Relationship: Why your spouse will determine your level of SUCCESS

Our painting MASTERPIECE

All relationships come with ups and downs but the most important thing that I have found in my marriage of almost 28 years together is that we support each other.

I love to learn and I spend quite a bit of money doing it! My wife has always supported my decision to invest in myself. She recently told me “I’d rather invest in you than the stock market” when I talked to her about joining a mastermind group. I’m also an entrepreneur so I am always looking to up my business game by acquiring more knowledge and information.

So, as a result of my drive in business, I have asked for my wife’s permission to buy things many many times. She always says “yes.” I can’t say if that’s always a good thing, but what I can say is that there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s got my back!

When times have been good, she’s got my back. When times have been bad, she’s got my back. If we have a disagreement, she’s still got my back. When I’m worried about something, she’s got my back. I have hers as well. There’s nothing that we don’t support each other on really. So, my question to you is…Does your spouse got your back? Like really got your back? Are they a “ride or die” partner to you?

Any success I’ve seen in life from writing books, traveling to another training, building my business and exiting, building a coaching business, getting in shape, eating well, saving or spending money, my wife supports me. Right or wrong, my main objective in life is to support, love and take care of my wife. That is my only goal. It requires money, effort, energy, psychology and my unwavering love for her. She is my world and I am hers.

I don’t know if that works for everyone but it works for us and although we’ve struggled at times, 99% of our time together over the last 28 years has been happy, loving and fulfilling. I wanted to share some of the little things that we do in our relationship that makes it work so well. If you aren’t doing these things then I’d have you consider implementing them into your closest relationship to strengthen the bond you may have.

  1. If you leave each other we always kiss each other goodbye. Even if I’m only running to town and will be back in 20 minutes, I never leave without doing this.

  2. When we see each other again after we’ve been apart, we always kiss each other when we reunite. Once again even if we’ve only been apart for a short time we always do this.

  3. Have regular sex. This is a big one because if you go a period without having sex it can feel weird when you try to initiate having sex and sometimes we avoid feeling weird about it. Two people can want to “get it on” but they stop themselves from making a move. To stop this from happening, we schedule a time once a week where we both know we are going to “get it on.” Don’t for one second think that this takes the magic out of it, you both can use this time to work yourselves up to it, making it even better. Even if you have sex more than once a week, the day and time that you schedule is sacred and won’t be broken. Just try it, it works!

  4. Talk about money. Money is a big reason why marriages fail. Most couples who cannot get on the same page with spending or saving money will not have a lasting relationship. It’s one of the biggest causes of divorce so talk about it and get on the same page together when it comes to your finances.

  5. Flirting. We flirt with each other almost every single day. Every person wants to feel wanted and needed and flirting is a great way to ensure that you are doing your part in helping your spouse feel wanted and needed. I often come up behind my wife and wrap my arms around her telling her I love her while kissing her neck. I slap her ass when she walks by and I hug her multiple times a day.

  6. Find out your love languages. We both took the 5 love languages quiz and shared our love language with each other. If your partner wants “words of affirmation” but you display your affection with buying them stuff, you’re most likely missing the mark. Of course, a thoughtful gift is always nice, but if I require hearing you say “I love you” and I’m not receiving that on a regular basis then I’m not getting what I really need. Once you both take the quiz, use their love language to show them how much you care.

  7. Stay in shape. This is a tough one but so very important. If you both work at maintaining the same sex appeal that you had when you first met then you’ll both enjoy each other for a much longer period of time. We all get lazy at times in life and that can result in “letting ourselves go.” I like to look at it as I’m staying fit because I want to be attractive and wanted by my spouse. Having this mindset pushes me to take better care of myself so that I have the energy and desire to flirt and have regular sex. During highly stressful times in life I’ve let myself go and quickly realized I needed to get my shit together before any major damage was done. It matters to me. Make it matter to you and you’ll thank me for it.

These are just a few ways that we use to stay connected and feel close to each other. Try them out for yourself and let me know how your relationship improves. You’ll be surprised by your results!

We didn’t figure this stuff out overnight but as we have figured some stuff out we have found that it works. As your relationship improves your business will improve. It’s all connected whether that’s admitted or not. The better your love life goes the easier it is to do business. Stay focused on making the improvements in your marriage and watch what happens in business. Wishing you health, wealth, love and happiness!