Tackling your inner self talk

How to overcome thousands of negative thoughts per day

We have thousands upon thousands of thoughts each and every day, all day. It’s said that 85% of those thoughts are negative. What if this happens? or What if that happens? are just a few of the questions we ask ourselves which inevitably lead to negative answers.

We tend to catastrophize the worst case scenarios in our minds in order to try and protect ourselves or prepare ourselves for those worst case scenarios. What happens 99.9% of the time as what we are thinking about plays out in the real world is that the worst case never comes true.

While we are thinking these negative things that never happen our confidence takes a hit, our bodies are bombarded with negative chemicals produced by fear in the mind, our physiology suffers (we mope, lose energy and belief) and our actions suffer as a result if we give in to those negative thoughts.

These thoughts affect our self-esteem, our confidence and our courage. In fact, I’m willing to bet that these thoughts are the number one thing keeping us stuck in life. No matter what “stuck” looks like to you, your confidence and courage is what will move you towards that result you really want to accomplish.

Here’s the problem… we are so used to allowing these thoughts to run wild in our minds we don’t even realize they are happening. When you decide to take back control of your mind you will begin, at times, to realize these thought patterns. As soon as you become aware of what’s happening do this…

Say “Cancel, Cancel”. This is a simple saying that will allow you to cancel the thought. It doesn’t stop there though. You mind still wants to think about something so we have to replace that thought with another thought.

There can’t be a void once you’ve cancelled the thought so once we’ve recognized our negative thought pattern we have to have another thought to replace it with. What could you say to yourself to redirect your thought? Here are a couple of phrases or questions you could use to get your mind thinking about something more empowering which in turn keeps your confidence going in the right direction.

  • What is the best case scenario or outcome that could happen?

  • How will I feel once the best outcome happens?

  • What can I control when it comes to ensuring the best outcome happens?

Here are a few “sayings” that I use to keep my thoughts positive and confidence high.

  • My potential is exponential!

  • I am happy, healthy and wealthy!

  • My business potential is exponential!

  • “All you can do is all you can do. As long as you have done all you can do, it’s enough!”

The process isn’t perfect so don’t expect all your fear, worries or anxieties to disappear once and for all just by using these techniques once or twice. BUT… if you stick with it what you’ll find is that more times than not your mind will begin to switch to these alternatives AUTOMATICALLY. When this happens you’ll experience more “peaks” in your confidence and courage and you’ll get out of those deep dark “valleys” faster than you used to.

Instead of being in a depressed or lower vibrational state for days, weeks or even months, you’ll snap back to your old badass self full of life, energy and confidence! Try it on for size and let me know how these techniques work for you. It takes practice but within a few months you will notice changes in your thought patterns. Changes that will not only allow you to experience more joy in life but will help you accomplish more of your goals and dreams.

Cheers to living the best year of your life!