Work harder on this to grow your business

If you work on this then your business success will follow

Growing your business requires more than just adding new customers.

The number one thing that every entrepreneur thinks they need is more customers which makes sense because that’s where sales come from. The problem is that if that’s the only thing that’s being focused on, eventually it will happen. Why is that a BIG problem you may ask? Once more and more customers are acquired most owners find themselves constantly busy, overworked, overwhelmed, underpaid and understaffed.

Fulfilling all the delivery of the service they are selling consumes their lives which causes relationship, health and possibly financial hardship. The number one reason for the negative side effects on the owner is due to their lack of personal growth.

“Work on your personal growth more than you work on the business.”

Kelley McKay

All successful business owners turned to personal development at some point in the career. The reason this happens is because they find they are inadequate to handle the stress, manage their time, give up control, maintain or improve their health, maintain relationships and manage their money. If they can accept the facts about their ignorance to their ability to juggle everything then they will turn to personal development.

The ones who don’t realize and accept these facts will quit and go back to working for someone else or let everything around them burn to the ground leaving them broke, burnt out, alone and depressed.

One of my mentors shared this concept of being a victim or being a victor. Everything we are is a collection of the choices WE made and the actions we have taken or have NOT taken. Some people, including business owners, remain a victim blaming circumstances, people, situations and events for their failures. Others will stop blaming, complaining, justifying, defending and excuse making which opens the door to opportunity. These are the ones who have a chance at becoming a victor instead of remaining a victim.

Personal development teaches the concept of response-ability which is your ability to respond to everything that happens to you in your life or business. The way we respond to events will be the factor in success or failure. Those who recognize they are failing due to poor choices, lack of decision making or fear will seek out personal development. Those who decide that everything just is the way it is and think there’s nothing they can do to change it remain victims and stuck.

You are just as important as your business or career. Therefore, you must also invest money and dedicate time to building YOU as well as building your business or career. If this fact goes ignored, the business will outgrow your capability. You simply won’t have the right tools , the right mindset, the courage or confidence to fix what’s wrong with life, leaving your powerless.

I found personal development about 13 years ago. I was burnt out, broke, my business was failing right alongside my most valued relationship and my mindset sucked! I read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and that book began my personal development journey. It allowed me to fix my finances, fix my marriage, fix my mindset and build my business. I can’t say it was only this one book that helped but it was a great start. If you are ready to “Work on your personal growth more than you work on your business” then you will escape victimhood.

Fixing all your past mistakes will take time but with personal development you will gain the patience, the mindset and the skills to accept it and move forward with more confidence and determination. Over time you will look around you and find that everything in your life you created, promoted and allowed and that is why you have become so successful. That is the power of personal development.

Get to work on your most valuable asset, your life!